Exhibition video by Yask Desai and Charlotte Vignau


Vestige is an immersive exhibition featuring large scale video works alongside sculptural installations and sound pieces.

It is a journey through the personal mythologies of the artist, Charlotte Vignau, and the Greek myth of Medusa. Stepping into Vestige is like taking a path towards ancient oceanic ruines, a meditative space, facing immersive moving landscapes where water changes slowly — from frozen to melting, moving — and hearing the depths of the subconscious matter that inhabits the artist.

A culmination of two years of practice and research in the Master of Arts Photography program at Photography Studies College, the work focuses on the representation of women in mythology and current social systems. Vestige aims to uncover and subvert, through aesthetical processes, existing narratives around the destruction of the gendered female body, and reclaims mythology and women's lives as complex and powerful.

discover my process





It’s been over two months now since I showed Vestige, and I am finally ready to put pen to paper and share my thoughts and feelings with you.

This project has been a journey of growth, of pain and beauty, of intense periods of solitude and ultimately of coming together. It was a time of creation and intuitive reflection that had to happen alone and I came out of it anew.

There are many things I am grateful for in this experience, and the most important of of all is the people. When you release something into the world it’s not entirely yours anymore, and the meaning people make out of it is theirs, personal and unique. Some came out of the space with tears in their eyes, some said they were moved, some said they loved it, some said they hated it. Others said they had seen the landscape inside their bodies, others saw the universe, others said they saw themselves. So many words for me to remember as Vestige is behind me for now. I feel honoured that people trusted me to share how they felt, deeply. It was a special human experience that I will cherish and carry on in my heart.

As for me, I didn’t necessarily expect to be holding space for people myself as much, I thought they would come for the work and interact with it but was surprised that they wanted to confide in me. The hugs and words we shared changed me just as they changed you, and being in the space for so long also shifted something in me, the pain isn’t as deep anymore. I have all of you to thank for, and myself.

Thank you to everyone who made this all possible! Thank you Kristian, Dan, Noemie, Felicity, Hoda, Katrin, Chris, Anton, Crystal, Edwina, Troy, Priya, Cat, Kenneth, Carl, Kaitlyn, Rebecca, Rachel, Elijah, Clare, Sarina, Peter, Julieta, Izabela, Sherry, Kristy, Yask, Oli, Erin, Madi, Amy, Peyton, Brie, Alex, Sophie, Laura, Nathaniel, Denise, Shaz, Jerry, Drew, Bernhard, Sodi, Jesse, Jason, Jo, Paul, Otto, Harvey, Andy, Steph, EJ, Jim, Julie, Kaede, Tom and many more people, all of you who came to see the show.